비트코인(BTCUSD)은 흔히 디지털 화폐로 불리며 중앙은행이 관리하는 법정 화폐의 대안으로 언급되지만, 후자는 통화 당국이 발행하고 경제에서 널리 사용되기 때문에 가치가 있습니다.비트코인의 네트워크는 분산되어 있고, 암호화폐는 소매 거래에서 많이 사용되지 않습니다. 비트코인의 가치는 귀금속의 가치와 비슷하다고 주장할 수 있습니다.둘 다 수량이 제한되어 있으며 일부 사용 사례가 있습니다.금과 같은 귀금속은 산업 응용 분야에 사용되는 반면, 비트코인의 기본 기술인 블록체인은 금융 서비스 산업 전반에 걸쳐 일부 응용 분야가 있습니다.비트코인의 디지털 출처는 언젠가 소매 거래를 위한 매개체 역할을 할 수도 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 화폐는 가치의 저장과 교환 단위의 기능을 할 수 있기 때문에 가치가 있습니다.또..
비트코인은 금보다 100배는 우수한 가치 저장소 가상화폐중 시총이 가장 큰 비트코인은 지난해 11월 6만 8,990 달러까지 상승했지만 현재는 약 19,000달러로 최고점에서 72% 정하 하락한 상태이다. Micro Strategy의 CEO 마이클 세일러(Michael Saylor)는 가상화폐의 상승을 기대할 뿐만아니라 이전 최고치보다 훨씬 높은 가격을 예상하고 있다. 그는 비트코인은 디지털 금으로 일반적인 금 보다 100배는 우수하다고 주장했다. 비트코인의 가치를 실제 금에 대입한다면 비트코인 1개당 50만달러가 될 것이며 마이클 세일러는 10년 내에 비트코인 1개의 가치가 그와 같이 될 것이라고 확신한다고 말했다. 현재 비트코인의 가치를 고려하면 50만 달러는 2,500%상승을 의미하는 것이다. 마이..
Among the various expressions that describe Bitcoin, the most widely known expression is "digital gold." If so, we should first look at the properties of gold. Gold is metal for now. Electricity works well, is rare, and does not produce rust. The reason gold has become a storage means of value is "invariability." It must remain unchanged to be stored for a long time and can be used as a measure ..
We overcome the 2008 financial crisis with tremendous money release. The release of money continues until now in 2021. Now, the world is implementing another huge release of money due to COVID-19. We receive money in return for working hard with sweat. Sweaty labor is symbolic and in any case, we receive "money" for our efforts. It's the same for everyone, whether it's a business or a worker. Wh..
Regulations on Bitcoin are again becoming an issue around the world. Due to these issues, the volatility of cryptocurrency is increasing day by day. While it is used as a window for illegal money laundering, news that has come for one negative reason or another is being plastered. The most widely used for illegal money laundering in the world is none other than "dollar." There will be no illegal..
With every word Elon Musk says, the market price of cryptocurrency is fluctuating on a single line of Twitter. Some people swear and point fingers at Elon Musk because they are an attention seeker. Some even say they are out of their minds. Let's put down the emotional part for a moment and think about it. Is the wealth of the century, Tesla's CEO, and Elon Must, who is trying to settle humanity..
How is value created? Each person has a wide variety of standards for viewing value. Things that are valuable to some may not mean anything to others, or vice versa. So, is value given meaning and created by the public, which means the absolute majority? There is a picture of a luxury bag above. Luxury goods can never be held by the majority of the public. It's a bag monopolized by a few and use..
If you've seen my blog steadily, I've repeatedly stressed that I have a very positive view of Bitcoin, most of the other cryptocurrencies will lose their value, and that Bitcoin can remain until the end and use it as a container for assets. He also owns Bitcoin, and now his value has risen a lot, making some profits. In fact, most virtual currencies are just meaningless speculation methods, and ..
Once again, the market is fluctuating due to the news of the Chinese government's regulation of virtual currency. In fact, China's regulations are not from yesterday to today. However, many investors feel tired from this repetitive news. I've repeatedly mentioned virtual currency over and over again. The key was that virtual currency was clearly an irreversible trend in the times, and there was ..
Issues about virtual currency continue to emerge day by day. The key point of the issue is the debate over whether virtual currency is valuable or not. People who are not interested in virtual currency may have heard the word Bitcoin a lot. Among the numerous virtual currencies, Bitcoin is in the key virtual currency position. Numerous cryptocurrencies have emerged since Bitcoin, but it doesn't ..