What's wrong with Elon Musk?


With every word Elon Musk says, the market price of cryptocurrency is fluctuating on a single line of Twitter. Some people swear and point fingers at Elon Musk because they are an attention seeker. Some even say they are out of their minds. Let's put down the emotional part for a moment and think about it. Is the wealth of the century, Tesla's CEO, and Elon Must, who is trying to settle humanity on Mars, really an attention seeker and a madman?

At least he must be smarter than me!

Everyone thinks and acts for their own purposes and interests. Elon Musk's words or a line of Twitter are actions that Elon Musk does for his own benefit. It's not a meaningless act.

Let's think about it again. In fact, Elon Musk had little influence on cryptocurrency. At least until the beginning of this year. But suddenly, he floats Doge Coin and spills that he will support Tesla's payment with Bitcoin.

Elon Musk can manipulate the market price on Twitter.

He also says he will hold off on paying Bitcoin for environmental reasons in a few days. Then we promote Doge Coin, and it doesn't seem consistent in our view.

These are all Elon Musk's thoroughly planned and intended actions. You know who Elon Musk is, right? I'm not just a neighborhood man, a CEO of an ordinary company. In that way, he is developing his influence on cryptocurrency. Why is that?

As mentioned earlier, most actions have their own interests prioritized. By doing that, Elon Musk is maximizing his interests. In fact, just by looking at Elon Musk's words, which did not exert much influence on cryptocurrency, the market price fluctuates, much of his purpose has already been achieved.

Everything comes out of interest.

Who benefits from adjusting the market price in this way and who suffers? First of all, it is of course Elon Musk who benefits. Isn't influence a generation where money is money? What about the victim? Yes... I'm an individual who buys and sells cryptocurrency held by Elon Musk.

If Elon Musk wasn't interested in cryptocurrency in the beginning, he would never have done this. This kind of market intervention means that he is very interested in cryptocurrency, and unlike his mouth and Twitter, it is very likely that the proportion of cryptocurrency continues to increase.


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