Litecoin is a coin that should be noted in China's cryptocurrency regulations.


Once again, the market is fluctuating due to the news of the Chinese government's regulation of virtual currency. In fact, China's regulations are not from yesterday to today. However, many investors feel tired from this repetitive news. I've repeatedly mentioned virtual currency over and over again. The key was that virtual currency was clearly an irreversible trend in the times, and there was no way to completely regulate it.


Why don't we pay attention to litecoin?


Thousands and hundreds of virtual currencies are scattered. Originally, when a real thing appears, it has always happened that numerous sub-works imitate the real thing. Some of them enter real groups and are recognized, and the rest are eliminated. In the meantime, of course, new fakes emerge.


I've mentioned it over and over again, but the real thing among virtual currencies is definitely Bitcoin. No matter how much other virtual currencies are armed with new technologies, they will never surpass Bitcoin's stronghold. This is the real power. Of course, there is a first place, so now there is a second place and a third place. So, which virtual currency should we choose from among the numerous virtual currencies?


First, you have to choose a public blockchain network that is open to the public, that is, a virtual currency that is mined. Not being able to mine means that it is not decentralized. It means that the network can be lost by a particular individual or group at any time. It also poses a risk that the issuance process may not be fair. If you pick out the cryptocurrency that is mined, you will be able to pick out fake ones among hundreds to thousands of cryptocurrencies.


Of these numerous fakes, the most notable coin is Bitcoin. Then Ethereum follows. However, Bitcoin and Ethereum are already widely known to the public, and since most of them recognize their value or technology, it is not easy to say that they are undervalued coins in terms of evaluation. Of course, those two coins remain unchanged in the belief that they will remain much higher in five or ten years from now.


It is obvious that Bitcoin is in the best position, and it is unlikely to change because it is in this position. However, there are still many possibilities, but if I were to choose a coin that is relatively unknown to the public, I would definitely like to say a Lite coin. Litecoin was developed on October 7, 2011 by Charlie Lee, who was from MIT and worked for Ggul and Coin Bears. The maximum mining volume is 84 million, four times more than Bitcoin. In terms of transaction speed, it has a faster strength than Bitcoin, and Litecoin is the second virtual currency in the world after Bitcoin.

It is a virtual currency with a deeper history and tradition than expected, and it has high reliability. In fact, the technology of virtual currency itself does not have a significant impact on creating the value of virtual currency. Technology is always evolving, and virtual currency with the best technology is likely to be a new virtual currency just born. Technically, Bitcoin is the lowest cryptocurrency.


Humanity has always admired gold. I don't know why, but I like gold anyway. There are more rare metals than gold, and there are many industrially useful metals, but mankind will yearn for gold from the past to the present and in the future. This superstitious belief is why we maintain our values. Some might say that gold is an industrially useful metal. But gold has long been regarded as a reservoir of value and a measure of wealth since ancient times, long before industrial use.


Many people define Bitcoin as digital gold. This will not change now and in the future. Ethereum will never be called digital gold. When you think of gold, what metal do you think of? Yes, that’s right. It's silver.


In this way, when our stereotypes give value, and those stereotypes become fixed as images, it eventually works like a law. Litecoin dug into this exactly and used it as an image of Litecoin. The directions that Litecoin pursues are as follows.


Admitting that Bitcoin is digital gold, I don't intend to cross the throne (Litecoin). However, if Bitcoin is digital gold, I am digital silver. The more firmly Bitcoin maintains its position in digital gold, the more I will be able to solidify my position in digital silver.


In other words, they don't make it a strategy to show off and brag about themselves, but use an excellent association strategy that establishes their position by raising Bitcoin. While countless coins claim that each other is the best, Litecoin is establishing its own position in a completely different direction.


In the past, the Qi Dynasty was able to seize supremacy in China's national era because Qi did not surrender the powerless Qi Dynasty by force, but supported Heaven and gained justification from it. In a way, the current virtual currency market may also be looking at a digital national era that is similar to the Spring and Autumn War era. It would not be a bad way to pay attention to Lightcoin, which is gaining the justification of Bitcoin and solidifying its position in the virtual currency market in this digital national era.



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